To: Residents, Family Members and Staff
From: Kirk Hawthorne, Administrator
Date: 10/12/21
RE: COVID outbreak update (update #33)
It appears that the measures that we implemented to mitigate the spread of this virus from our recent outbreak, has been relatively effective. We continue to have 6 residents recovering within our Red Zone. Our goal is to “close” the Red Zone on Friday (10/15/21), providing no new symptoms develop.
We have had no new positive cases amongst staff or residents since October 1, 2021. All staff tested negative yesterday (10/11/21). We will continue to test all unvaccinated staff 2x/week, until the Mercer County Transmission rate reaches the “LOW STATUS”. Resident testing will be based on symptom identification and/or any possible exposure. Similar to our resident testing standards, our vaccinated staff will no longer be surveillance tested but will be tested with any symptoms and/or possible exposures. The above testing standards are consistent with the PA-DOH recommendations. The focus is to test residents and staff with exposures and/or symptoms. Should a future outbreak occur, we will resume “outbreak” testing and visitation standards. We have also posted the above standards on our front entrance doors for your convenience. The postings will include the facility “COVID STATUS” by unit.
We will remove our “Outbreak Status” effective today. This will allow us to immediately resume patio visits (unscheduled) and Roncalli visits (scheduled). Residents who remain in the Red Zone due to isolation requirements, do not yet meet the visitation standards. The scheduled Roncalli visits will be on Tuesday/Thursday. We will do our best to accommodate alternative visitation times that are necessary as well. Once the County Transmission rate decreases to the Moderate Level, we will increase indoor visitation opportunities. Basically, as community transmission decreases, the more we will “open up”.
At this time, facility wide, we have a Resident vaccination rate of 95% and a staff vaccination rate of 84%. While this is great news, we are all aware of vaccinated “break through” cases, so, caution remains necessary. The Pfizer “booster” was provided to residents on October 7th and will be offered to staff on October 15th. Of course, our goal is 100% vaccination campus wide. As a measure of safety, we have implemented a policy that requires all newly hired staff (as of 9/7/21) to be vaccinated. Staff members who have chosen not to become vaccinated will be required to wear an N-95 mask at all times, regardless of county transmission rate. In addition, ALL staff is required to wear an N-95 mask during “Outbreak” AND “High transmission” status.
Please keep in mind that our community transmission rate is currently at its peak. While we encourage visits, we ask that you wear your mask during visits and please refrain from ANY visits if you are not feeling well and/or may have been exposed.
As always, thank you for your continued support, understanding, cooperation and prayers.